Lists all company expense sheets.
Parameter | Mandatory | Description | Examples | More Info |
API | Yes | The API area | expensesheets.json | |
General | Yes | Parameters described in overview | user=user&password=user | Structure of an API call |
Company | Yes | The company number | company=16 | |
Action | Yes | The action to perform | action=expensesheetlist | |
Supplier | No | The expense supplier code | supplier=16/KRW |
Example request:
Example response:
"responsecode": 1,
"responsestatus": "OK",
"errorcode": 0,
"errormessage": "",
"totalrows": 38,
"totalpages": 1,
"responsemessage": "",
"pagerows": 0,
"pagenumber": 1,
"success": true,
"data": [
"expensesheetApprove": false,
"expensesheetApproved": 0,
"expensesheetCopy": true,
"expensesheetCreatedDateTime": "10/11/2020 3:43pm",
"expensesheetDate": "2020-11-10",
"expensesheetDateTime": "10/11/2020",
"expensesheetDelete": true,
"expensesheetDescription": "My Expenses",
"expensesheetGross": 42.19,
"expensesheetHeld": 0,
"expensesheetInternalRef": "2115",
"expensesheetLines": 1,
"expensesheetLinesApproved": 0,
"expensesheetLinesHeld": 0,
"expensesheetLinesQuery": 0,
"expensesheetLinesReject": 0,
"expensesheetLinesSubmitted": 1,
"expensesheetPost": false,
"expensesheetProcess": false,
"expensesheetQueried": 0,
"expensesheetRejected": 0,
"expensesheetReturn": false,
"expensesheetCurrencyApproved": 0,
"expensesheetCurrencyGross": 200,
"expensesheetCurrencyHeld": 0,
"expensesheetCurrencyQueried": 0,
"expensesheetCurrencyRejected": 0,
"expensesheetCurrencySubmitted": 200,
"expensesheetCurrencyVAT": 33.33,
"expensesheetCurrencyCode": "16/AED",
"expensesheetCurrencyExchangeRate": 4.74,
"expensesheetStatusCode": "unsubmitted",
"expensesheetStatusDateTime": "00/00/0000",
"expensesheetSubmit": false,
"expensesheetSubmitted": 42.19,
"expensesheetTheSupplierCode": "16/S123486",
"expensesheetSupplierName": "Mike Pender Dirhams",
"expensesheetUnApprove": false,
"expensesheetTax": 7.03