Returns a list of pending weekly timesheets.
Parameter | Mandatory | Description | Examples | More Info |
API | Yes | The API area | tspending.json | |
General | Yes | Parameters described in overview | see overview | Structure of an API call |
Action | Yes | The action to perform | action=timesheetweeklypendinglist | |
Resource | Yes | Resource Code | resource=1\ME |
Example request:
Example response:
"responsecode": 1,
"responsestatus": "OK",
"errorcode": 0,
"errormessage": "",
"totalrows": 1,
"totalpages": 1,
"responsemessage": "",
"pagerows": 0,
"pagenumber": 1,
"success": true,
"data": [
"tspTswPendingApprovalNotes": "qqqqqqqwewewwwewewdfdfdfdfdoioi",
"tspTswPendingChargeCode": "farting around",
"tspTswPendingDate": "2018-01-01",
"tspTswPendingDescription": "Allocated Costs - Tick-off Issue MT TEST",
"tspTswPendingEntryno": 13616,
"tspTswPendingHours": 3,
"tspTswPendingHover": "Handler: Aaron Cronshaw",
"tspTswPendingJobPhase": "88879.001",
"tspTswPendingStatus": "R",
"tspTswPendingStatusDesc": "Delete",
"tspTswPendingTaskDesc": "",
"tspTswPendingWorkDone": "",
"tspTswPendingWorkflow": ""