Attachment Print - Base64

Download a document - via JSON base64 string

ParameterMandatoryDescriptionExamplesMore Info
APIYesThe API areaattachments.json
GeneralYesParameters described in overviewuser=user&password=userStructure of an API call
ActionYesThe action to performaction=attachmentview
IdentifierYesAttachment ID or UUIDattachment=5471

If the attachment is stored in S3 (cloud) it has to download from AWS to the 4D Server and converted into base64.

Example request:


Example response:

  "responsecode": 1,
  "responsestatus": "OK",
  "errorcode": 0,
  "errormessage": "",
  "totalrows": 1,
  "totalpages": 1,
  "responsemessage": "",
  "pagerows": 0,
  "pagenumber": 1,
  "success": true,
  "data": [
      "attachmentUuid": "E4A7C32FC8A5D849BED41CDA8256DBF2",
      "attachmentTimestampModified": 1501773244,
      "attachmentRecordVersionNumber": 1,
      "attachmentOriginalFilename": "tmp.csv",
      "attachmentBase64": "SEVSRSBJUyBTT01FIFRFWFQNCg==",
      "attachmentContentDisposition": "attachment; filename=\"tmp.csv\"",
      "attachmentContentType": "application/csv"