Requisitions List

Gets a list of items that can be used to drop requisitions on to the calendar to create new requisition bookings.

ParameterMandatoryDescriptionExamplesMore Info
APIYesThe API areacalendar.json
GeneralYesParameters described in overviewuser=user&password=userStructure of an API call
SortNoChange the view's default sort ordersort=CLIENTSorting
CompanyYesThe company numbercompany=1
ActionYesThe action to performaction=unallocated
Persistent Backend SearchNopersistBackendSearch=N
DirectionNoAscending or descending sortdirection=1ascending is 1, descending is -1
ClientNoClient numberclient=
JobNoJob numberjob=
Job PhaseNoJob and phase numberjobphase=

Example request:


Example response:

Note: if the data set being queried has a large number of estimates on open phases, the API consumer should make sure any request include filters to reduce the number of records returned to a manageable number. If this is omitted the system will automatically reduce number of records returned in the API response

  "responsecode": 1,
  "responsestatus": "OK",
  "errorcode": 0,
  "errormessage": "",
  "totalrows": 13,
  "totalpages": 1,
  "responsemessage": "",
  "pagerows": 0,
  "pagenumber": 1,
  "success": true,
  "data": [
      "calActionedReqSelect": false,
      "calActivityIdReqSelect": 7904,
      "calRequisitionActivityUuid": "2A00D222A8109D45AB1AA44D5430D935",
      "calBookedReqSelect": 11.55,
      "calChargeCodeReqSelect": "3/SICK",
      "calChargeDescReqSelect": "Sickness",
      "calClientCodeReqSelect": "3/AMTCLIEN",
      "calClientNameReqSelect": "A MT Client",
      "calCreatedReqSelect": "2018-07-27",
      "calDueDateReqSelect": "2019-04-25",
      "calDetailsReqSelect": "some details ",
      "calJobDescReqSelect": "test gannt",
      "calJobPhaseReqSelect": "3/AM5555.A01",
      "calJobUuidReqSelect": "174A7C1F5B91EB4CA920064FEEA234CC",
      "calPhaseDescReqSelect": "phase desc",
      "calOwnerNameReqSelect": "Babe Ruth",
      "calOwnerIdReqSelect": 319,
      "calHoursReqSelect": 0,
      "calResourceReqSelect": "3/BR",
      "calResourceNameReqSelect": "Babe Ruth",
      "calResourceUseridReqSelect": 319,
      "calStartReqSelect": "2018-11-14",
      "calSubjectReqSelect": "artwork ",
      "calUuidReqSelect": "B93E3A8834AFFC4FB99F739ED574090A",
      "calStageCodeReqSelect": "",
      "calStageDescReqSelect": ""
    etc. etc.