Updates an existing expense sheet.
Parameter | Mandatory | Description | Examples | More Info |
API | Yes | The API area | expensesheets.json | |
General | Yes | Parameters described in overview | user=user&password=user | Structure of an API call |
Company | Yes | Company number | company=1 | |
Action | Yes | The action to perform | action=update | |
Input | Yes | JSON string | See below |
JSON Input | Mandatory | Description | Examples |
Identifier | Yes | Data identifying expense sheet to update | "expensesheetInternalRef":687 |
Update data | Yes | Data to update on expense sheet | "expensesheetDescription":"My expense sheet 2" |
Example request:
"data": [
"expensesheetInternalRef": 687,
"expensesheetDescription": "My expense sheet 2"
Example response:
"responsecode": 1,
"responsestatus": "OK",
"errorcode": 0,
"errormessage": "",
"responsemessage": "data processed successfully.",
"warningmessage": "",
"success": true,
"data": [
"expensesheetInternalRef": 687,
"expensesheetUuid": "0356E3479C70BD47B8A26B06E04DD450",
"expensesheetTimestampModified": 1533201346,
"expensesheetRecordVersionNumber": 14