Job create views

Job create views are a special kind of view used whrn creating jobs. They specifiy which fields are copied to the new job from templates

Views (settings)

Use this API endpoint to get a list of 'views' for the dataviewer reporting tool. A view is essentially a saved query.

Example request:

APIAPI endpointviews.json
TypeSpecify tabletype=jobcreate
Parameters described in overviewuser=user&password=user&version=4
companyThe company contextcompany=1

Note: to retrieve views saved by a user, the user name and password would need to be passed

Request for a list of views


Example response:

  "responsecode": 1,
  "responsestatus": "OK",
  "errorcode": 0,
  "errormessage": "",
  "totalrows": 3,
  "totalpages": 1,
  "responsemessage": "",
  "pagerows": 0,
  "pagenumber": 1,
  "success": true,
  "synversion": "12.960.0060",
  "synapiversion": 3.95,
  "data": [
      "settingsUuid": "2CE8942FF47BAC4E92700EAE698FCF71",
      "settingsTimestampModified": 1697029953,
      "settingsRecordVersionNumber": 0,
      "settingsCompany": 1,
      "settingsDescription": "Company job create view",
      "settingsDisplayOrder": "",
      "settingsId": 47107,
      "settingsUserid": 0,
      "settingsDefault": false,
      "settingsSort": "",
      "settingsSortDirection": "ASC"
      "settingsUuid": "DD6AAA9EBCA3FA42B3656942DB578A4F",
      "settingsTimestampModified": 1697029873,
      "settingsRecordVersionNumber": 0,
      "settingsCompany": 1,
      "settingsDescription": "My job create view",
      "settingsDisplayOrder": "",
      "settingsId": 47106,
      "settingsUserid": 5,
      "settingsDefault": false,
      "settingsSort": "",
      "settingsSortDirection": "ASC"
      "settingsUuid": "A2E6E86C6E14A345B6D38B99E5BC1505",
      "settingsTimestampModified": 1697029995,
      "settingsRecordVersionNumber": 0,
      "settingsCompany": 1,
      "settingsDescription": "Group job create view",
      "settingsDisplayOrder": "",
      "settingsId": 47108,
      "settingsUserid": 0,
      "settingsDefault": false,
      "settingsSort": "",
      "settingsSortDirection": "ASC"