Parameter | Mandatory | Description | Examples | More Info |
API | Yes | The API area | invoices.json | |
General | Yes | Parameters described in overview | user=user&password=user | Structure of an API call |
Model Structure | Yes | Name of model required | modelstructure=invoicedetails | Using data models |
View | No | Stored filter applied | Using views | |
Sort | No | Change the view's default sort order | sort=CLIENT | Sorting |
Filters | No | Filter by a key field | Filters | |
Company | Yes | The company number | company=1 |
Example request:
Example response:
"responsecode": 1,
"responsestatus": "OK",
"errorcode": 0,
"errormessage": "",
"totalrows": 36,
"totalpages": 1,
"responsemessage": "",
"pagerows": 0,
"pagenumber": 1,
"success": true,
"synapiversion": 3.8,
"data": [
"invoiceUuid": "D7B15EC4DFC34C95B60726D4935094B0",
"invoiceTimestampModified": 1600842322,
"invoiceRecordVersionNumber": 40,
"invoiceNumber": "09",
"invoiceDate": "2002-07-18",
"invoiceClientJobOrPhase": "1/00000633.001",
"invoiceType": "Iv",
"invoiceDraft": false,
"invoiceOrderNumber": "",
"invoiceClientCode": "1/F001",
"invoiceBillToClientName": "Ford Motor Cars",
"invoiceClientName": "Ford Motor Cars",
"invoiceBillToClient": "1/F001",
"invoiceTotalNet": 30,
"invoiceTotalSalesTax": 5.25,
"invoiceCurrencyValue": 0,
"invoiceCurrencyVAT": 0,
"invoiceCurrencyCode": "",
"invoiceExchangeRate": 0,
"invoiceCurrencyTotalDeferred": 0,
"invoiceTotalDeferred": 0,
"invoiceCompany": 1