Submitted Pending Timesheets List

Retrieves a list of pending timesheets that have been submitted for approval by the user, but are not yet posted to a job.

ParameterMandatoryDescriptionExamplesMore Info
APIYesThe API areatspending.json
GeneralYesParameters described in overviewsee overviewStructure of an API call
Model StructureYesName of model requiredmodelstructure=tspendingslistUsing data models
FiltersNoFilter by a key fieldFilters
CompanyYesThe company numbercompany=1
StatusYesStatus of timesheetstatus=S

Example request:

For unsubmitted

For submitted

Example response:

"responsecode": 1,
"responsestatus": "OK",
"errorcode": 0,
"errormessage": "",
"totalrows": 359,
"totalpages": 120,
"responsemessage": "",
"pagerows": 3,
"pagenumber": 1,
"success": true,
"synapiversion": 3.8,
"data": [
"tspUuid": "6DBC2C52E3A24736913D662CDBE5C155",
"tspTimeStampModified": 1605204840,
"tspRecordVersionNumber": 37,
"tspEntryNo": 794,
"tspJobAndPhase": "1/00001091.001",
"tspStageCode": "",
"tspStageDescription": "",
"tspChargeCode": "1/ART",
"tspChargeCodeDescription": "Junior Design",
"tspResourceCode": "1/KAT",
"tspResourceName": "Katie Heiffer",
"tspMaterialCode": "",
"tspMatQuantity": 0,
"tspHoursNormal": 1.3,
"tspHoursOtime1": 0,
"tspHoursOtime2": 0,
"tspTimeDate": "2006-08-11",
"tspLocalDate": "0000-00-00",
"tspLocalTime": "00:00:00",
"tspLocalTimezone": "",
"tspLocalTimezoneOffset": 0,
"tspStartTimeNormal": "00:00:00",
"tspEndTimeNormal": "00:00:00",
"tspStartTimeOT1": "00:00:00",
"tspEndTimeOT1": "00:00:00",
"tspStartTimeOT2": "00:00:00",
"tspEndTimeOT2": "00:00:00"