Estimates List

Get a list of items that can be used to drop estimates on to the calendar to create new bookings.

ParameterMandatoryDescriptionExamplesMore Info
APIYesThe API areacalendar.json
GeneralYesParameters described in overviewuser=user&password=userStructure of an API call
SortNoChange the view's default sort ordersort=CLIENTSorting
FiltersNoFilter by a key fieldFilters
CompanyYesThe company numbercompany=1
ActionYesThe action to performaction=unallocated
Persistent Backend SearchNopersistBackendSearch=N
DirectionNoAscending or descending sortdirection=1ascending is 1, descending is -1
ClientNoClient numberclient=
JobNoJob numberjob=
Job PhaseNoJob and phase numberjobphase=

Example request:


Example response:

Note: if the data set being queried has a large number of estimates on open phases, the API consumer should make sure any request include filters to reduce the number of records returned to a manageable number. If this is omitted the system will automatically reduce number of records returned in the API response

  "responsecode": 1,
  "responsestatus": "OK",
  "errorcode": 0,
  "errormessage": "",
  "totalrows": 97,
  "totalpages": 1,
  "responsemessage": "",
  "pagerows": 0,
  "pagenumber": 1,
  "success": true,
  "data": [
      "calBookedSelect": 88.75,
      "calChargeCodeSelect": "3/R1",
      "calChargeDescSelect": "Rail Engineer 1(mike's skill)",
      "calClientSelect": "London eye",
      "calDraftSelect": 2,
      "calDueDateDescSelect": "Tu 30/04/2019",
      "calEstimatedSelect": 0,
      "calHandlerSelect": "",
      "calHandlerNameSelect": "",
      "calHiddenSelect": "S",
      "calInitialsSelect": "jjj,MP",
      "calJobDescriptionSelect": "mikexxxa  Special Campaign Launch",
      "calJobPhaseSelect": "3/00001008.001",
      "calJobUuidSelect": "81A1872D3C664EDCAFCA3FFE446B70DB",
      "calPhaseDescriptionSelect": "Engineering",
      "calPrioritySelect": "",
      "calRemainingSelect": -88.75,
      "calRequestedSelect": "",
      "calRequisitionSelect": "",
      "calStartDateSelect": "2019-03-01",
      "calStartDateDescriptionSelect": "Fr 01/03/2019",
      "calStatusSelect": "Live",
      "calTaskDescSelect": "",
      "calTeamNameSelect": "Team 1 (test)",
      "calTimesheetsSelect": 27,
      "calTimeSummarySelect": 1013310,
      "calUniqueSelect": "3/00001008.001###3/R1",
      "calStageSelect": "",
      "calStageDescriptionSelect": ""
    etc. etc.