Retrieves the timesheet summary table.
Parameter | Mandatory | Description | Examples | More Info |
API | Yes | The API area | tspending.json | |
General | Yes | Parameters described in overview | see overview | Structure of an API call |
Company | Yes | The company number | company=1 | |
Resource | Yes | The resource code | resource=1/SN | |
Action | Yes | The action to perform | action=timesheetsummary |
Example request:
Example response:
"responsecode": 1,
"responsestatus": "OK",
"errorcode": 0,
"errormessage": "",
"totalrows": 0,
"totalpages": 1,
"responsemessage": "",
"pagerows": 0,
"pagenumber": 1,
"success": true,
"data": [],
"dates": [
"tspTssDay0Date": "2018-07-23",
"tspTssDay1Date": "2018-07-24",
"tspTssDay2Date": "2018-07-25",
"tspTssDay3Date": "2018-07-26",
"tspTssDay4Date": "2018-07-27",
"tspTssDay5Date": "2018-07-28",
"tspTssDay6Date": "2018-07-29"
"labels": [
"tspTssDay0Label": "Mon",
"tspTssDay1Label": "Tue",
"tspTssDay2Label": "Wed",
"tspTssDay3Label": "Thu",
"tspTssDay4Label": "Fri",
"tspTssDay5Label": "Sat",
"tspTssDay6Label": "Sun"
"ot1totals": [
"tspTssChargeableOt1Total": 0,
"tspTssDay0Ot1Total": 0,
"tspTssDay1Ot1Total": 0,
"tspTssDay2Ot1Total": 0,
"tspTssDay3Ot1Total": 0,
"tspTssDay4Ot1Total": 0,
"tspTssDay5Ot1Total": 0,
"tspTssDay6Ot1Total": 0,
"tspTssNonChargeableOt1Total": 0
"ot2totals": [
"tspTssChargeableOt2Total": 0,
"tspTssDay0Ot2Total": 0,
"tspTssDay1Ot2Total": 0,
"tspTssDay2Ot2Total": 0,
"tspTssDay3Ot2Total": 0,
"tspTssDay4Ot2Total": 0,
"tspTssDay5Ot2Total": 0,
"tspTssDay6Ot2Total": 0,
"tspTssNonChargeableOt2Total": 0
"resource": [
"tspTimeSheetHoursrequired": 0,
"tspTssResourceChargeable": 0,
"tspTssResourceNonChargeable": 0
"totals": [
"tspTssChargeableTotal": 0,
"tspTssDay0Total": 0,
"tspTssDay1Total": 0,
"tspTssDay2Total": 0,
"tspTssDay3Total": 0,
"tspTssDay4Total": 0,
"tspTssDay5Total": 0,
"tspTssDay6Total": 0,
"tspTssNonChargeableTotal": 0