Output full details for a NAMED resource
Parameter | Mandatory | Description | Examples | More Info |
API | Yes | The API area | resources.json | |
General | Yes | Parameters described in overview | see overview | Structure of an API call |
resource | Yes | The resource to query | resource=1/MP | |
Company | Yes | The company number | company=1 |
Example request:
Example response:
"responsecode": 1,
"responsestatus": "OK",
"errorcode": 0,
"errormessage": "",
"totalrows": 1,
"totalpages": 1,
"responsemessage": "",
"pagerows": 0,
"pagenumber": 1,
"success": true,
"data": [
"resourcesUuid": "DA8E953E6F874182ADC27D5757CE447F",
"resourcesTimestampModified": 1664280041,
"resourcesRecordVersionNumber": 1475,
"resourcesCode": "1/MP",
"resourcesName": "Mike Pender",
"resourcesChargeCode": "1/BE",
"resourcesChargecodeDescription": "Brand Experience",
"resourcesTeamCode": "1/ADMI",
"resourcesTeam": "Administration",
"resourcesUserId": 5,
"resourcesUserFullName": "",
"resourcesActive": true,
"resourcesStarted": "2008-01-28",
"resourcesFinished": "0000-00-00",
"resourcesSubContractor": false,
"resourcesColour": 0,
"resourcesDiaryHide": false,
"resourcesTimesheetsRequired": true,
"resourcesWorkSpecify": false,
"resourcesWorkDays": "2\r3\r4\r5\r",
"resourcesWorkSunday": false,
"resourcesWorkMonday": true,
"resourcesWorkTuesday": true,
"resourcesWorkWednesday": true,
"resourcesWorkThursday": true,
"resourcesWorkFriday": false,
"resourcesWorkSaturday": false,
"resourcesHoursInDay": 8,
"resourcesHoursRequired": 32,
"resourcesTargetChargeablePercentage": 37.5,
"resourcesTargetHours": 15,
"resourcesTargetInDay": 3