Phase List

ParameterMandatoryDescriptionExamplesMore Info
APIYesThe API areaphases.json
GeneralYesParameters described in overviewuser=user&password=userStructure of an API call
Model StructureYesName of model requiredmodelstructure=phaseslistUsing data models
ViewNoStored filter appliedUsing views
SortNoChange the view's default sort ordersort=CLIENTSorting
FiltersNoFilter by a key fieldFilters
CompanyYesThe company numbercompany=1

Example request:


Example response:

"responsecode": 1,
"responsestatus": "OK",
"errorcode": 0,
"errormessage": "",
"totalrows": 45,
"totalpages": 23,
"responsemessage": "",
"pagerows": 2,
"pagenumber": 1,
"success": true,
"data": [
"phaseuuid": "366650887E8C5F4BA822E0F4870A3AED",
"phaseTimeStampModified": 1597853984,
"phaseRecordVersionNumber": 4,
"phasePhaseDescription1stLine": "Phase 1",
"phaseCustomField186": "",
"phaseCustomField203": "0000-00-00",
"phaseCustomField213": "",
"phaseCustomField219": 0,
"phaseCustomField220": false,
"phaseCustomField280": "0000-00-00",
"phaseCustomField287": "",
"phaseCustomField297": "",
"phaseThermProgress": "",
"phaseThermValue": 0,
"phaseThermWhitePoint": 110,
"phaseJobDescription1stLine": "205 - No BP",
"phaseJobNumber": "1/00000205",
"phaseJobAndPhase": "1/00000205.001",
"phasePhase": "001",
"phaseHandlerFullName": "User - Andy",
"phaseOwnerFullName": "",
"phaseDatein": "2020-08-12",
"phaseDateDue": "0000-00-00",
"phaseOrderNumber": "",
"phaseCompleted": false,
"phaseClientCode": "1/11223222",
"phaseClientName": "Meadowside",
"phaseJobNumberSimple": "205",
"phaseJobPhaseNumberSimple": "205.001",
"phaseContactFullName": "",
"phaseStatusDescription": "Live",
"phasePriorityDescription": ""


This call will return the same data as above but as a simple downloaded CSV file

If "modelstructure=view", and a view number also specified, the CSV will contain the columns associated with the view - rather than a standard model
